Get Stuffed: How to pick a taxidermist pt 2

15 Oct

What is the Difference between Commercial Mounts (Client Mounts) and Competition Mounts (Display Mounts)

Written by Ron Shaefer

Trade shows and show rooms could be mounts they worked on just for show or something that have purchased from another taxidermist. That may not be what you get back. This is a very common. No matter how smooth the sales pitch is and what they say they can do. You want to see finished client mounts. Their finished work in the back room before it hits the display room is most likely what you will receive in return. Have the taxidermist point out what are their client’s mounts and what are display mounts or competition mounts.

When visiting a taxidermist ask why I should choose you over a different taxidermist. Let them tell you what they offer. You want someone to explain to you how they separate themselves from the rest. Then they can show you around their showroom that most likely is mixed with display pieces and pieces that are ready to be picked up by their clients. You can compare if their display is equal to the quality that leaves their studio. You may or may not want that type of quality. Ask if you can use a flashlight to check the quality of their work around the eyes and if the pupils are level, inside the nostrils, inside the ears or any shaded areas. After all most sales pitches are that, their quality supersedes the rest. Have them prove it. Have them point out their quality, not you trying to find it.

If a taxidermist knocks quality, they most likely do not have a lot in their mounts. Some may say you need to view it from 15 to 20 feet back. All though this may be true, you are just trying to determine if you are paying for the quality and not receiving it.

You will need to know the difference between a commercial mount vs. a competition mount. A commercial mount is what you the consumer will receive back. Your trophy is mounted and finished in a certain period of time in order for a taxidermist to earn a profit.

Stay tuned for Pt 3 How to understand quality in taxidermy

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Posted by on October 15, 2013 in taxidermy, Wawang Lake Resort


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